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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

International Nerdery

It's official. I'm international. A quick look today at my Google Analytics page told me so. I have a whole slew of visitors from Europe who have checked out several of my Ubuntu posts among other things. Now I'm just waiting to break into the asian market.

If you've never used Google Analytics before you are missing out on one the best free webmaster tools on the net. Check it out at In order to use it, all you have to do is insert some JavaScript into your site which helps catalog information about traffic to the site. Provided with the tool is a full site statistics suite that includes reporting on referrers, number of hits, repeat visitors and even geographic locations, to only mention a few.

So, according to analytics at, I am alot more popular than I thought. Inspired by my newly discovered popularity, I have resolved to post more often. That said, the one thing that Google Analytics doesn't really tell me, is what people that visit bitshifting want to see more of. So here's you chance to give me suggestions on what you'd like to see me blog about. Maybe its more of what I spend my free time doing. Maybe its more of what I spend my professional time doing. Maybe you're got a technology related problem. Just post a comment with any feedback or suggestions you may have and I'll work on getting you a response. Here's to all those lonely asian nerds who don't know what they're missing. Yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, coming from a guy who worked in internt marketing, I'd say talk more about Ubuntu. That's what got you on the map to begin with and is something that people are really looking for.

But coming from a guy who can barely understand what the *$#@! you are talking about most of the time, I'd like hear more of your quasi-science trash. You know, like "Pluto IS a planet", "The Earth is flat", and "The Wright Brothers used alien technology."

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find myself wondering when the bitshifter action figures will be available. (And will I ultimately need to order them from some European black market channel?)

Keep the technology topics flowing!

4:05 PM  

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